Instant Shorts

This is probably not a new idea in the least, but it dawned on me a short time ago, that I could get more use out of Ben's "high water" pants. Cut 'em into shorts! He's so thin, the waists on a few of his blue jeans and sweatpants still fit him, but he had grown too tall for them. I cut all the legs off of them, and presto - instant play clothes!

Are there any moms out there more with money-streching ideas for kids?


Chelle said…
Genius I tell you, genius! :)
Ro said…
I buy t-shirts a size bigger than Brandon is, and he wears them for two summers. Short sleeve button down shirts, too. Next time buy the pants with the legs that zip off. My boy is a skinny boy, almost 5, and he wears his size 3 zip-off pants as shorts (same idea as yours, but no scissors involved). Caitlin, 2 1/2, is currently wearing some of her baby dresses (3-6 month size up to 18 months) as tops, with shorts or leggings underneath (just thought I'd toss that one in for good measure, since your girls are much older!). Otherwise, I'm hitting the good thrift stores, or swapping with friends! Mervyn's has great clearance sales in April for winter clothes, and sometime in the fall for summer clothes. They don't have them in Colorado, but I'd load up when we lived in California, and spend very little.
Jodi said…
Ooh, Rochelle, you're GOOD!

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