
Finally....Hillary is out of the race, and McCain can be back on the radar screens of the media like he deserves.

Finally....when are we finally going to get some sun in Washington? It was actually snowing in the mountains and passes yesterday! I'm sick of this!

Finally....when are people going to finally return to proper etiquette and start sending thank you notes for wedding gifts, baby shower gifts, graduation gifts and birthday gifts (sent through the mail)?

What is your "finally?"


Chelle said…
Finally...slept through the night.

Oh wait, that hasn't happened yet! Poo.
Jodi said…
Aw, dang it! Don't worry - it will happen soon! I'll recommend a book on that. Not everyone likes this book, and I don't agree with all of it, but there's a book written by Christian authors (a doctor and a nurse)called "Babywise." Babywise was written for the secular audience with their principles of a "routine" for a baby's day, that helps them sleep through the night. I found great success with my kids when they were babies, putting them on a flexible schedule during the day. Once they were on a routine, they started sleeping through the night. It sort of helped balance out their metabolism, I think. Anyway, some people who hate schedules hate this idea, but I found it helpful.

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