OnThe Fritz

Everything in my home seems to have gone on the fritz this past year. Now, its my computer. I am typing on my daughter's laptop right now. I debated as to whether or not I would take the thing to be repaired. But, it is a home-built job with inauthentic versions of everything Microsoft. And, we got it for free. It lasted us a year and a half, so I figured I should probably get something new. I am off today to look for that.

Our TV has also been slowly dying. So, for Joe's birthday, I said he could get a flatscreen. He was going to revamp our entertainment armoire to make it fit. Well, that didn't work. Now, I am out a very pretty armoire. So, I have to shop for that, too.

I guess the good part in everything needing replacing at once in this house, is that everything will be basically new. That's always fun, and I consider it a real blessing to be able to replace all of these things. I praise God for what we have, and I'm thankful to Him for providing for our needs. There's always somebody who has more than we have, and somebody who has less. I think the key is being continually thankful for what you do have and give from what you have with a cheerful heart. My two cents.


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