I Hurt Myself

I hurt myself yesterday or the day before. In the process of working out, I somehow hurt my neck down into my left shoulder area. I think part of it is muscular, and part of it might be a pinched nerve. I'm not sure. All I know is, I hurt. I have been taking Ibuprofen, and doing heat and ice packs. I'm bummed because I have PE class today, and its "upper body" day. I hope the teacher will be nice to me, and let me do something else. I'm also bummed, because I was really on a roll with doing exercises at home as well as at the gym. I suppose I could do some other things until this arm heals up, and try not to let it slow me down. I can turn my head to the right, but not all the way to the left, or there is this pain down in my Trapezius. I think it's either my Trapezius, or one of the other long neck muscles that is connected in that area somewhere. As an A&P student, I should know the name of those, but I can't seem to! I have a virtual dissector program, where I can look at an actual cadaver on my computer, and dissect away any part I want to. I think I might take a look at that, to figure out where my pain might be coming from......


Chelle said…
Hopefully just a muscle strain, but ouch! Heal quickly friend!!

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