
There are just voices everywhere. They tell us who we are, what to do, what's right, what's wrong and what are the best choices to make. Some voices are like an annoying Dachsund next door. They just yap, yap, yap....Some voices are like cunning foxes, saying things with an ulterior motive based in their own agenda. The fox might sound wise, but it's motives aren't really in your best interests...Some voices are like a cuddly, Golden Retriever, who offers a comfortable place for you, but doesn't offer much substance or wisdom.

If we start listening to the Dachsunds and the Foxes and the Golden Retrievers, we get all mixed up and confused. Life becomes chaos, listening to all that yapping and howling and barking. We don't even know which voice we should listen to, or which voice has the right answer, or which voice is in our best interests anymore.

At this point, it's important to stop and listen to The Voice. Go tell the Dachsund to shutup all his yapping, chuck a rock at the Fox and make him run away, and go throw a ball far, far away for the Golden Retriever so he'll take awhile to find it.

The Voice is the only one who matters. For it's He who is the only one you're accountable to. Stop trying to please the Dachsunds, the Foxes and the Golden Retrievers. One day, you'll stand in front of One, and One only. You'll have to answer to Him about yourself, and yourself only.

Listen to The Voice. He'll show you who you are, what to do, what's right, what's wrong and what are the best choices to make. If you're listening to Him when the yapping, barking, and howling comes again, you'll hardly be able to hear them anymore.....


I like this post, Jodi. You've obviously been thinking about this for a while! Great imagery.
Jodi said…
Yeah I have! I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading...
Chelle said…
Girl, you just go on and preach it! I love post, and it made me laugh because as I was reading, the dog next door started barking. Keep writing, and more importantly, listening!!!!
Jodi said…
That's funny about the dog next door. HAHA!!

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