Happy Days

I was thinking today that I'm starting this summer in a much better place than I started last summer. Last summer, we had just left our old church and I was recovering from burnout. I'm so excited about how good I feel now compared to then. It's a good thing to remember, because when other hard times come, I can tell myself: "six months to a year from now, you'll feel better than you do right now." It's probably true for all recoveries, but you're so deep when you're in the middle of the process, you don't think of it, I guess.

Anyway, I'm excited about how I feel because it's a "moving on" feeling. If I think about what I went through, I still feel feelings, don't get me wrong. They're just not hanging over my head like a cloud anymore.

If you don't think burnout is a big deal, think again. People use the word as a cliche term, but it is a real condition. I know. So do lots of others. There is a website for burned out ministry leaders that I found very helpful to me. It is www.smolderingwickministries.com. They have helpful articles and book recommendations there. I've read a few of them.

Like I said, I'm doing and feeling better today! I have been in an awesome church for a year. I've been given permission to hang out and heal there, which has been a freeing thing. I'm actually feeling ready to join a small group. I'm going to test the waters, and see how it goes. At least I didn't give up on church. Lots of people do. I just love God too much to not get to go worship Him with other believers. Plus, I know that church people are not God, and they will fail us, but God never does......


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