I Spoke Too Soon...
Those Israelites. I spoke too soon when I said in my last post, that they seemed like they had stopped complaining. In my last readings in Numbers, that's all they did!! Whine, whine, whine. And, this time God got ticked. He really started wiping some people out in this part of the book of Numbers. Rightly so. I mean, here they had seen God show his power and love to them in a variety of hugely miraculous events, and then they forget all about it, and complain about water and food. Please! This morning, I was thinking about life application regarding this portion of Numbers. Don't we all do the whining thing? I think we do. I think we forget about the things God has done in our lives, and what we have seen Him do in others' lives, and we start to complain when things aren't going well. I've done the "why me" thing more than once. We would probably do well to remember the power and love of God shown throughout the Bible. He's the same Go...