Quick Break

I'm taking a quick break from studying to ask for your prayers as I embark on my last four finals. I am most nervous about my Thursday final, so pray for skilled hands and quick thinking will you please?

Amazingly, I am finished with my Christmas shopping. I have done most of my shopping online, plus quick stops on the way home from class. Amazon, Avon, Best Buy and Overstock.com were my friends this year. If I were to have an addiction, it would be to receive packages in the mail. It is so FUN! I proclaim "Santa's elves came!" when a package arrives. And, did you know that a lot of stores have a set-up where you buy stuff online, and then pick it up at the store? I kinda like that idea for the fact that you don't have to fight any crowds to shop - you get to shop at home in your jammies and have the item waiting for you at the front of the store when you're ready to pick it up. It also means no shipping costs - yay!

Another "almost addiction" I have is receiving Christmas cards in the mail. Oh, I LOVE IT!! My favorites are the long letters including pictures. Truly, I live for it at this time of year. I've heard that some people hate reading Christmas letters, but I guess I'm weird that way....

Well, my quick break is over.


Anonymous said…
I will pray Jodi. And I hate reading those letters at Christmas from people. How un-personal to get a form letter. And they all start out the same..."My how the year has flown by" or something like that. I hate them. Sorry.

Tom PS Now I DO like getting packages. :)
Chelle said…
You will do great on those finals, you smart cookie you! Good luck, praying for you. :)
Jodi said…
MY Christmas letters are fun to read, Tom. hee hee :) This year, my cat is going to write it.
Anonymous said…
Now THAT one I'll read. Ha!


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