

Chelle said…
A bit too real I think. :)
Anonymous said…
Jodi, I'm not sure I get this. Is this about burn-out?

Anonymous said…
I think this is very realistic as far as what is happening in churches today. I know it was at my former church. You're expected to just give and give and give of your time and money and many times with no thank you or appreciation shown.

I have stepped back from any involvement in the adult P/W ministry at my present church. I looked for something different to do, some other area to serve in and I've decided to be a behind the scenes prayer warrior praying for the leaders of all the ministry's including the pastors and youth leaders. They will be e-mailing updates to people who want to pray this way. I can't think of a better way to support the church.

Ro said…
Can completely and totally relate.
Jodi said…
I think it's amazing how people so easily buy into a "cause" no matter how it is defined or who defines it. In my cartoon, the "cause" of this pastor is growth. But, as you can see, buying into this cause had it's cost for many....
Anonymous said…
One problem I see is that most people in a congregation, at least in my experience, will believe whatever their pastor says, hook, line, and sinker without checking it out and they'll just go with it. On one hand it is good to have faith in your leader/pastor/shepherd whatever and trust them because they are in that position to shepherd the flock. But we are also told to "test the spirits" against the word of God to see if they are false or not. Sometimes people will just follow their pastor blindly and that is not good. We can't just jump off a cliff because our pastor says it's ok. When you take that to it's final end or course, it could end in drinking "cool-aide" if you know what I mean. Those days of just taking our pastors word for it on anything are very much over for my wife and me. We have been forced to really study the word in depth to find what it is saying. That has been a very good thing for us.

Mimosa said…
Did you do this? Good one. :)

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