Out of Commission

I received my Td (Tetanus) Booster on Wednesday. When I got in my car to leave, my arm started hurting really bad. By bedtime, my body started to feel slightly chilled and achy. The next morning, my body was still hurting, and once I got up and around, I was out of commission. I took a super hot shower to try and get my joint pain to relax a little. I bundled myself up and headed for the couch. I felt SO crappy, I was in tears. It took my doctor's office FIVE HOURS to call me back after calling TWICE. I finally took some Tylenol. In the meantime, I called the 24 hour nurseline of my insurance company. She suggested I take Tylenol or Advil. Duh. She was actually the most helpful out of everyone I spoke with. I asked her about delaying my Hepatitis B shot, and she agreed with me that I should wait 1-2 weeks. It just felt nice to hear some empathy at the other end of the phone....

On Friday, I had to go into the lab to have my TB titer "read," since I received that little injection, too. Afterwards, I went upstairs to talk to my doc's staff about delaying my Hepatitis B series due to my immune response to the Tetanus. I don't think my doctor had even received a message about what was happening to me, because they left him a message. I never did hear from him - but his nurse, who basically told me the same stuff I had already been told, and took a little more detailed report on my reaction. I was told it was an "uncommon" immune response, but not necessarily and adverse reaction, and I should be fine. She said I should not expect to have the same response to the Hepatitis B vaccine, but as a preventative measure, I should take 500 mg of Tylenol beforehand.

Fine? I've never felt the way in my entire life! I'm really concerned about my immune system. I am not comforted in the least right now....


Chelle said…
Ugh! Hope you are feeling like yourself now.

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