Social Phases

Today, I'm going out to lunch with a gal I met at my Beth Moore Bible study. She's really cool, and I want to get to know her better. She's probably in her late 20's, married, no kids. I was thinking about how I don't really see age in people, maybe because I have always wanted people to not see my age. I have always appeared younger than I am, and in the past, I haven't liked it, because I felt like people couldn't see me for who I am. Now, it doesn't bother me. Anyway, (I don't know how I got off on that!) I am excited to get to know this gal. She's really smart, has depth and great character.

I realized that I am in a new stage in life. It's sort of a lonely and weird stage, actually. When I was younger with little ones, it was so easy to get together with other moms or families with young kids, and hang out while the kids played. Or, getting all the kids together for little birthday parties and connecting with other moms. It was such an outlet for me socially, and for the kids, too. Now, I have teenagers. Granted, I still have Ben, who is seven, but it's just different now. Teenagers are busy with their own social life and activities, and they don't exactly want to go play on the playground at the park, or have adults around for their birthday parties! I guess this social phase isn't so easy and automatic. I'll have to be more strategic in getting in social time with women friends. Joe and I have talked about doing this with other families at church, too. It's like it's more about us as individuals again, rather than including kids in the mix. It will take an adjustment, but isn't that what phases in life are all about....


Jodi said…
It was awesome! We ate at a really cute, newer cafe downtown. This gal is my kinda gal. What I like to call "quality." Of course, she doesn't hold a candle to your entertaining qualities. :)

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