Seven Things

OK. I just got home from taking my big A&P test (I nailed it - thank you very much!), so NOW I can do my "Seven Things."

1. I love watching "House on the Prairie." I can't believe it is still on TV, and if it happens to be on, I am glued. I love to hate Nellie Olson, love to watch Charles sensitive fathering and love the meaningful storylines. I also love, love, LOVE "Bonanza."

2. My maternal grandfather's family lineage can be traced back to the pioneer families of the Mormon church (I have seen the family's name in the actual Mormon history books). This grandfather is still considered a "Jack Mormon." My paternal grandparents were Christian Scientists. With this background, I praise God that He took me by the hand and led me to the TRUTH.

3. I once choked on a Gobstopper when I was 13, as my father had just left the house (I would have been home alone). He happened to come back, and performed the Heimlich on me. I learned that you should never drink milk with a Gobstopper in your mouth.

4. I have given birth the regular way (my oldest) and via C-section. The reason I had a C-section with my middle child, was because she was footling breech. In fact, her little foot was in my (ahem) birth canal wiggling around! With our son, the doctors wouldn't let me have him the regular way, so we scheduled his C-section delivery.

5. Speaking of babies, when my girls were 10 months and 3 years, my mom gave birth to my brother. I got to be in the delivery room, and even held one of my mom's legs as she pushed him out. His head acted like a cork for the amniotic fluid, so once his head popped out, it squirted all over my sister (who held the other leg). Somehow, my third sister got a picture of it - you can see the fluid squirting out in middair!

6. In jr. high, I was at a friend's huge slumber party (I think it was Halloween). We were making prank phone calls, and at one point, we were laughing so hard, I started peeing my pants! It started to come out a little, when I looked up at my other friend and noticed that she had a big puddle going on the floor. So, we turned and started racing each other to the bathroom. I sat on the pot, and she sat on top of me and started peeing on ME!! We peeled off our clothes and jumped in the shower, while the girl who was giving the party cleaned up the pee (which trailed from the kitchen all the way down the hallway) before her mom found out!

7. When I was a kid I had two ventriloquist dolls (I still have one of them-her name is Missy). I read a book about ventriloquism and got kind of good at it. Sometimes I would do little "shows" with younger kids at the church I grew up in.

If you just read this, you are tagged! So, you have to either email me your "Seven Things," or post them as a comment. Have fun!


Ro said…
When we were in Sweden a few years back, we kept watching "Little House" with Swedish subtitles. I don't know why, but it fascinted us! That, and it was on about 50 times a day.

I'm 15 years older than my brother, and I thought we had an age gap! My mom and her aunt are only 4 years apart, and were like sisters. I'm much closer to my second cousins as a result. Plus, they're the only ones my age!
Jodi said…
I'm glad to hear that we're not the only family that takes an explanation! I am 23 years older than my brother. When he comes to visit, he and my daughter look like twins. They're the same height and build. It's pretty funny....
Chelle said…
That is crazy about the 23 year age difference, and wild that you saw him born. And yea, that story made me squirm a bit...your poor sister.
Ro said…
I was re-reading this post (‘cause I can’t remember what I did a week ago!), and thought "hey, I have Mormon relatives, too". They broke off and formed the Reformed or Reorganized Church of LDS that's more prevalent on the west coast. They didn't think Brigham Young should have been leader #2. Genealogy is fascinating, but luckily doesn't define who we are as individuals!

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